Doctoral Colloquium and Workshop Seminar of the DFG research training group "Cultural and Technological Significance of Historic Buildings"

During the workshop seminars, the doctoral students give an insight into their research methods through their sources and materials. The research approaches of the different disciplines and methodical challenges regarding the individual research projects are then discussed with the audience. The seminar focusses on evaluating the core research questions based on the materials and on translating the findings back into the overarching context of the dissertation.

The seminar is organised as a weekly roundtable talk between the members of the Research Training Group that follows a short introduction into the available research materials and the specifics of the sources.

The colloquium takes place on Wednesdays at 9:30 am, in Lehrgebäude 2D, Room 109 or online. If you are interested in attending, please email Albrecht Wiesener (albrecht.wiesener(at)

No photo description available.

May 2nd
10:16 am