"I would say that my experience in Australia has shaped the way I think about heritage. I believe that when thinking about heritage the first thing to take into consideration are the people connected to that heritage, natural or cultural, tangible or intangible. Heritage is a fundamental expression for the communities and a way to remember and celebrate their shared history.
At Deakin, I could delve into different aspects of heritage studies that I would not have had the opportunity to learn about in Germany. I enjoyed the focus the program has on museums. In addition, the program was less intense than the one at BTU and we had lots of time to explore and follow our interests. I was fascinated by the topics of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Digital Interpretation. I enjoyed visiting museums to understand the practical application of digital technologies. Another highlight of our experience at Deakin was the Study Project, we worked as a consultancy team for the Old Melbourne Gaol and filed a report on interpretation and conservation best practices for the site, we also had to develop a public program on Forensics. It was a new experience for me and it was exciting to develop something that will help in the preservation and management of the Gaol. It was also interesting to work in a team and learn from my peers.
Taking part in the Dual Degree is an unmissable opportunity. You'll be able to learn so much, and not only university-wise. Living in a country with a different history and culture taught me more than I expected.
It was once in a lifetime experience, I am grateful for the people I have met and all the places I was able to see."