February 11th 2021

UNESCO calls for proposals for the 2021 Silk Roads Youth Research Grant

UNESCO launches a call for young women and men under the age of 35 to apply for the 2021 ‘Silk Roads Youth Research Grant’. 12 research grants of USD10,000 will be awarded. The Grant aims to mobilize young researchers for further study of the Silk Roads shared heritage.

The Silk Roads Youth Research Grant is a new initiative that UNESCO has organized with the support of the National Commission of the People's Republic of China for UNESCO, in the context of its Silk Roads and MOST Programmes which are part of UNESCO’s Social and Human Sciences Programme.

The research needs to address specific issues relating to

  • the Silk Roads shared heritage and plural identities,
  • its internal diversity,
  • its potential in contemporary societies for creativity, intercultural dialogue, social cohesion, regional and international cooperation, and
  • ultimately sustainable peace and development.

Check all the information here: https://en.unesco.org/silkroad/youthgrant