Web Talk: Stereotypes of Africa

Teaching materials and media often reproduce colonial pictures of Africa and feed racist ideas. In many cases, Africa is associated with poverty and primitiveness. Yet, more often than not, this perception is based on misinformation, lack of knowledge, and stereotypes. Steven Ojoo will deconstruct colonial knowledge in his web talk and shine a light on innovation and prosperity in Africa.

Steven Ojoo has lived and worked on three continents. He lectures in Intercultural Communication and Team Efficiency at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University and holds degrees in Public Administration, Philosophy (BA) and Cultural Management (MA) from Kenya and Germany respectively. The web talk is organized by the International Association of World Heritage Professionals and the Deutsch Englische Club Bamberg (DECB) on the occasion of the International Weeks against Racism. The event is funded by the „Partnerschaft für Demokratie in der Stadt Bamberg“ within the framework of the federal programme "Demokratie leben!" by the German Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).

The web talk does not represent an expression of opinion by the BMFSFJ or the Federal Office for Family and Civil Society Tasks (BAFzA). The speaker is responsible for the content of his statements.

The web talk can be joined from any computer, tablet, or smartphone here: -> No registration required.

Uncategorized | International Association of World Heritage Professionals  e.V.

March 08th
08:58 am