March 31th 2022

ICOMOS launches the Guidelines for Conservation of Concrete Heritage

As part of the InnovaConcrete project, a research initiative funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 programme that aims to find new ways to help preserve concrete-based monuments from the twentieth century, the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage (ISC20C) was tasked with creating these guidelines for the conservation of heritage concrete structures. This document is based on the same concepts as expressed in the Approaches to the Conservation of Cultural Heritage of the Twentieth Century (also known as The Madrid - New Delhi Document), which the ISC20C published in 2017. It is an aid to conservation and restoration practitioners and other professionals, including architects, engineers, conservators, contractors, craftsmen, public officials, and private owners who may be faced with making important decisions about the treatment of a heritage concrete structure.

The Cádiz Document: InnovaConcrete Guidelines for Conservation of Concrete Heritage provides guidance for the conservation of concrete heritage with respect to its cultural, historical, aesthetic, social and technological values that define its significance.

Access to the document or download it here.

CadizDocument ICOMOS InnovaConcrete couverture