May 17th 2022

New European Bauhaus: Commission launches ‘NEB LAB' with new projects and call for Friends

The Commission launched the NEB LAB: a ‘think and do' tank to make the New European Bauhaus a reality through concrete and tangible projects. By connecting the initiative's growing community and sharing ideas, it will bring about beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive changes on the ground.

The launch of the ‘NEB LAB' starts with a call for Friends of the New European Bauhaus to involve companies and public actors such as regions, villages and cities, more directly in the NEB.

NEB LAB projects starting already today include the development of New European Bauhaus labelling tools, work on regulatory framework conditions, and a survey among construction companies, architects, urban planners and other actors to identify barriers for the implementation of NEB projects in the construction and housing sector.

Find more information about the NEB Lab and the open calls here.

New European Bauhaus: Commission launches 'NEB LAB' with new projects and  call for Friends | EURAXESS