The volume of digital data in the world is increasing exponentially. In 2020, 64.2 zettabytes of data were created: a 314% increase from 2015. In our growing digital world, we must sustain heritage in the digital domain. This includes ensuring that cultural and creative sectors are economically competitive and helped to thrive in a digital world.
In light of the ever-expanding digital world, ICCROM is launching a new programme, Sustaining Digital Heritage (SDH), on 18 July 2022. It will help professionals and institutions overcome the interrelated challenges of long-term digital preservation and providing user-driven open access. SDH will work to develop knowledge, tools and strategies grounded in the real-life experiences of working with digital heritage.
The 18 July launch event will introduce a simple, self-diagnostic tool – “The Sustainability Test” – and the structure of the programme. Highlights of the event include success stories from the field shared by industry leaders, innovators and changemakers.